inclusive hiring: re-imagining the search process

This courses proceeds step-by-step through the traditional Western management-based hiring process asking participants to begin again, this time centering principles of equity and inclusion to reimagine what hiring — and, from the candidates’ perspective, being selected for the role — might feel like. Applying learning from contemporary HR practices, anti-racism thought-leadership, and developmental evaluation, we'll dive into how to create a bespoke process to values-aligned hiring in your organization.

shared leadership in action

How we work is changing. Who holds power in organizations is being questioned and is changing. New forms of doing and engaging are requiring new voices and new cultural experiences that are able to operate in a complex and interconnected world. This all gives rise to a growing orientation towards different and alternative models of sharing leadership, power, and decision making. Our four module course delves into “the how” — the concrete action steps — of sharing power, decision making, and leadership.

race-based caucusing in the workplace

As more organizations begin the journey towards understanding and exploring how racism and oppression are built into their workplaces, a question many are asking is should they introduce spaces for their employees to work apart — race-based caucuses or affinity groups — so that they can better work together. One of the frequent questions we’ve heard over the years is, “How do you structure the caucus process and how does it work?” In this course, we dive into “the why” organizations might want to introduce race-based caucusing in the workplace, evaluating if an organization is ready for this process, and the mechanics of “the how.”

hire with confidence

The way we hire directly impacts every part of our organization. Creating a process that aligns with our values and that identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities of a role, can mean the difference between a high-performing organization and one that never quite achieves it's mission. Our ten-part, self-paced course is designed to help you level up your hiring process. We walk through all of the components step-by-step to help you design a process that’s aligned with your values.