If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll have a hard time knowing if and when you ever get there.

OKRs Unleashed

Explore our approach to values-based goal-setting and action-oriented strategies. This “Quick Course” will provide you with valuable insights on the Objective and Key Result framework that can help align your team’s efforts, track success, and achieve your world-changing objectives!


A Guide for Creating Organizational Alignment & Accountability

The Objectives & Key Results framework helps teams and organizations align goals for a set period of time in a transparent and connected way. Learn more about how to implement the OKR framework in an organization, and download a handy template to get you started.


Transparency, Accountability, & Alignment [Podcast]

If you don't know where you're going — personally, professionally, as a team, as an organization — you'll have a hard time knowing if and when you ever get there. In this episode, we explore ways to create more transparency, accountability, and alignment in the workplace with tools like Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

Guests: Nicola Carpenter & Erica Seldin


Toss out your New Year’s resolutions and set OKRs instead